import mxnet as mx import gluoncv import serial, time import cv2, queue, threading class VideoCapture: def __init__(self, name): self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(name) self.q = queue.Queue() t = threading.Thread(target=self._reader) t.daemon = True t.start() # read frames as soon as they are available, keeping only most recent one def _reader(self): while True: ret, frame = if not ret: break if not self.q.empty(): try: self.q.get_nowait() # discard previous (unprocessed) frame except queue.Empty: pass self.q.put(frame) def read(self): return self.q.get() ser =serial.Serial("COM4", 9600) time.sleep(1.5) #初期設定 servo_yoko = 90 servo_tate = 90 ctx = mx.gpu() # Load the model classes = ['ball'] net = gluoncv.model_zoo.get_model('ssd_512_mobilenet1.0_custom', classes=classes, pretrained=False, root='./model') net.load_parameters('ssd_512_mobilenet1.0_ball.params') net.collect_params().reset_ctx(ctx) # Compile the model for faster speed net.hybridize() cap = VideoCapture('rtsp://') time.sleep(1) while True: frame = frame = mx.nd.array(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)).astype('uint8') rgb_nd, frame =, short=320) # Run frame through network class_IDs, scores, bounding_boxes = net(rgb_nd.as_in_context(ctx)) if scores[0][0] > 0.55: x_min = bounding_boxes[0][0][0] y_min = bounding_boxes[0][0][1] x_max = bounding_boxes[0][0][2] y_max = bounding_boxes[0][0][3] if x_min > 360: if x_min > 480: servo_yoko += 15 else: servo_yoko += 3 if x_max < 280: if x_max <160: servo_yoko -= 15 else: servo_yoko -= 3 servo_yoko = 160 if servo_yoko > 160 else servo_yoko servo_yoko = 20 if servo_yoko < 20 else servo_yoko if y_min > 180: if y_min > 270: servo_tate += 5 else: servo_tate += 3 if y_max < 180: if y_max <90: servo_tate -= 5 else: servo_tate -= 3 servo_tate = 110 if servo_tate > 110 else servo_tate servo_tate = 70 if servo_tate < 70 else servo_tate #bufferがゼロになるまで待つ finished = False while not finished: finished = (ser.out_waiting == 0) send_data_yoko = servo_yoko.to_bytes(1, 'big') send_data_tate = servo_tate.to_bytes(1, 'big') ser.write(send_data_yoko) ser.write(send_data_tate) ser.write((255).to_bytes(1, 'big')) # Display the result img = gluoncv.utils.viz.cv_plot_bbox(frame, bounding_boxes[0], scores[0], class_IDs[0], class_names=net.classes, thresh=0.55) gluoncv.utils.viz.cv_plot_image(img) # escを押したら終了 if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27: break time.sleep(0.2) ser.close() cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
#include <Servo.h> Servo myServo_yoko; Servo myServo_tate; int yoko = 90; int tate = 90; int dummy; void setup() { myServo_yoko.attach(9); myServo_tate.attach(10); myServo_yoko.write(yoko); myServo_tate.write(tate); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { if(Serial.available()>2){ yoko =; tate =; myServo_yoko.write(yoko); myServo_tate.write(tate); delay(100); dummy =; } }